The Impact of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Military Operations in Light of the Rules of International Humanitarian Law.
Corresponding Author(s) : Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Zakaria Shehata
Journal of Law and Emerging Technologies,
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024)
Modern warfare has significantly advanced with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into operations. Through enhancing decision-making procedures, streamlining logistics, and enabling the use of autonomous weaponry, AI technologies improve military capabilities. But using AI to military applications presents difficult moral and legal issues, especially when it comes to adhering to international humanitarian law (IHL). IHL sets regulations that guard civilians and control hostilities in order to reduce suffering caused to civilians during armed conflicts. The compatibility of AI technology with core IHL principles such as distinction, proportionality, military necessity, and humanity is examined in this article. There is still significant worry about AI systems' capacity to reliably discriminate between military targets and people, raising the possibility of unintentional harm to civilians. Furthermore, responsibility for autonomous systems'actions and decisions presents legal dilemmas regarding responsibility and liability in cases of IHL violations. This study evaluates the potential of AI to comply with IHL requirements and suggests strategies for mitigating associated risks. It emphasizes the importance of developing robust legal frameworks and international cooperation to ensure that AI applications in military operations adhere to humanitarian standards, thereby balancing technological innovation with the imperatives of human rights and ethical warfare.
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- . A.G., Nadibaidze. The Impact of AI on Strategic Stability is What States Make of It: Comparing US and Russian Discourses. Journal for peace and nuclear disarmament, (2023). Vol. 6 Iss (1):47-67. doi: 10.1080/25751654.2023.2205552. DOI:
- . Ahmad, Khalil., S., Anandha., Krishna, Raj. Assessing the Legality of Autonomous Weapon Systems: An In-depth Examination of International Humanitarian Law Principles. Law Reform, (2024). doi: 10.14710/lr.v19i2.58497. DOI:
- . Antonio, Carlo. Artificial Intelligence in the Defence Sector.. (2020). pp 269-278. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-70740-8_17. DOI:
- . Artificial Intelligence and National Security, Congressional research service, Nov 21, 2019, available on .
- . Artificial Intelligence in Warfare. (2023). pp 12-36. doi: 10.4324/9781003218326-2. DOI:
- . Atif, Ali., Zulqarnain, Farid., Zeeshan, Ahmad, Khan., Al, Momani. Development and use of Artificial Intelligence in the Defense Sector. (2023). pp 1-10. doi: 10.1109/ICBATS57792.2023.10111113. DOI:
- . Aust, A. Modern Treaty Law and Practice. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, (2007). pp. 211-239. DOI:
- . Autonomous Weapon Systems Technical, Military, Legal And Humanitarian Aspects, Geneva, Switzerland 26 To 28 March 2014.
- . Berenice, Boutin. State responsibility in relation to military applications of artificial intelligence. Leiden Journal of International Law, (2022):pp133-150. doi: 10.1017/S0922156522000607.
- . Bolanle, Eniola., Babalola, Abegunde. Examining Lethal Autonomous Weapons through the Lens of International Humanitarian Law. Scholars international journal of law, crime and justice, (2023).pp.229-238. doi: 10.36348/sijlcj.2023.v06i06.001. DOI:
- . BORRIE, J. (2019). Cold war lessons for automation in nuclear weapon systems. In V. BOULANIN (Ed.), The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Strategic Stability and Nuclear Risk: Volume I Euro-Atlantic Perspectives (pp. 41–52). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
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- . Casey, B. and Niblett, A. 'Self-Driving Laws: When Artificial Intelligence Misbehaves, Iowa Law Review(2017), pp. 1949–1982. DOI:
- . Chris Whitlock & Frank Strickland ,The Three Imperatives to Develop AI Leaders. (2022). pp 1-11. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4842-8814-6_1. DOI:
- . Clara, Maathuis. Towards Trustworthy AI-based Military Cyber Operations. (2024) pp129-136. doi: 10.34190/iccws.19.1.1986. DOI:
- . Crawford, J.State Responsibility: The General Part. Cambridge University Press,(2013).pp. 54-87. DOI:
- . Crootof, R. 'The Killer Robots Are Here: Legal and Policy Implications, Cardozo Law Review, 2015, pp. 1837–1915.
- . Dan Robitzski, The Military Wants to Build Deadly AI-Controlled Tanks, futurism, FEBRUARY 27TH 2019, accessed Oct 19, 2019, available on
- . Darpa’s Grand Challenge At 15: How Far Have Autonomous Military Vehicles Come?, Global Defence Technology, accessed Oct 19, 2019, available on
- . Dasharathraj, K, Shetty., Gayathri, Prerepa., Nithesh, Naik., Ritesh, Bhat., Jayant, Sharma. Revolutionizing Aerospace and Defense: The Impact of AI and Robotics on Modern Warfare. (2022). doi: 10.1145/3590837.3590856. DOI:
- . David Axe, The U.S. Army’s Robot Tanks Could Arrive Years Early, national interest, October 14, 2019, accessed Oct 19, 2019 .
- . Defense Primer: U.S. Policy on Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems, Congress research service, March 27, 2019, accessed Oct 19, 2019, available on
- . Dinstein, Y. The Conduct of Hostilities under the Law of International Armed Conflict*. Cambridge University2012 Press
- . Dustin, A., Lewis. On 'Responsible AI' in War: Exploring Preconditions for Respecting International Law in Armed Conflict. (2022).pp488-506. doi: 10.1017/9781009207898.037. DOI:
- . Fareed, Mohd, Hassan., Noor, Dzuhaidah, binti, Osman. AI-Based Autonomous Weapons and Individual Criminal Responsibility Under the Rome Statute. (2023).:pp.464-480. doi: 10.21202/jdtl.2023.19. DOI:
- . Fatima, Hameed, Khan., Muhammad, Adeel, Pasha., Shahid, Masud. Advancements in Microprocessor Architecture for Ubiquitous AI-An Overview on History, Evolution, and Upcoming Challenges in AI Implementation.. Micromachines, (2021).; Vol. 12, Iss: 6, pp 665-. doi: 10.3390/MI12060665. DOI:
- . -Frueh, K. Liability and Autonomy in Military Applications of Artificial Intelligence. AI & Society. (2014), pp. 147-155.
- Greenwood, C. 'The Concept of War in Modern International Law', *International and Comparative Law Quarterly.(2000). pp. 292-309.
- . H., W., Meerveld., Roy, Lindelauf., Eric, O., Postma., Mark, Postma. The irresponsibility of not using AI in the military. Ethics and Information Technology, (2023).; - Vol. 25, Iss: 1 .doi: 10.1007/s10676-023-09683-0. DOI:
- . Hanuman, Prasad, Singh. Artificial intelligence affecting strategic stability. International journal of advanced research, (2022). Vol. 10 Iss (03):01-04. doi: 10.21474/ijar01/14356. DOI:
- . Henckaerts, J.-M. and Doswald-Beck, L. (2005). Customary International Humanitarian Law, VolumeI:Rules.Cambridge University Press. DOI:
- . Henning, Lahmann., Robin, Geiss. The use of AI in military contexts: opportunities and regulatory challenges. Revue de droit militaire et de droit de la guerre, (2022).; Vol. 59, Iss: 2, pp 165-195. doi: 10.4337/mllwr.2021.02.02. DOI:
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- . Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Ensuring National Security and Defense Capability of Ukraine: Legal Issues and Prospects for the Post-War Period. Teorìâ ì praktika ìntelektualʹnoï vlasnostì, (2023). Iss: 3, pp 68-78. doi: 10.33731/32023.282185. DOI:
- . Imre, Négyesi. Social and Ethical Issues of the Military Use of Artificial Intelligence. Advanced sciences and technologies for security applications, (2024).pp.421-430. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-47990-8_37. DOI:
- . International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538 Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023,pp3364-3365. Available at
- . Ivana, Zirojević. The use of artificial intelligence in modern armed conflicts. Војно дело, (2024),pp.73-90. doi: 10.5937/vojdelo2401073z. DOI:
- . J., Caballero., Olaya, Perez-Mon., María, D., R-Moreno., Julio, de., Oliveira, Filho. Integral AI-based planning for management of WSNs in military operations. (2023). - pp 341-348. doi: 10.1109/ictai59109.2023.00056.
- . J., Caballero., Olaya, Perez-Mon., María, D., R-Moreno., Julio, de., Oliveira, Filho. Integral AI-based planning for management of WSNs in military operations. University of Alcalá, (2023). pp 341-348,doi: 10.1109/ictai59109.2023.00056. DOI:
- . Jan, Maarten, Schraagen. Responsible use of AI in military systems: Prospects and challenges.. Ergonomics, (2023)pp.1-16. doi: 10.1080/00140139.2023.2278394. DOI:
- . Jonathan, D., Moreno., Michael, L., Gross., Jack, Becker., Blake, Hereth., Neil, Shortland., Nicholas, Evans. The ethics of AI-assisted warfighter enhancement research and experimentation: Historical perspectives and ethical challenges. Frontiers in big data, (2022). Vol. 5,doi: 10.3389/fdata.2022.978734. DOI:
- . Klabbers, J*International Law. Cambridge University Press. (2017), pp. 6-32. DOI:
- . Li, Yi., Hongje, Cho., Gyun-yeol, Park. The Advent of AI and Its Some Implications to MILITARY AFFAIRS. Journal of Instrumentation, (2020).; Vol. 5, Iss: 1, pp 38-47. doi: 10.22471/MILITARY.2020.5.1.38. DOI:
- . Liang, Du., Guangdong, Li., Hai, Chang., Heyuan, Hao. Military Applications of Artificial Intelligence. (2020). pp 1067-1072. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-6978-4_122. DOI:
- . Mark, Azer. State responsibility in relation to military applications of artificial intelligence. Leiden Journal of International Law, (2022).; Vol. 36, Iss: 1, pp 133-150. doi: 10.1017/s0922156522000607. DOI:
- . Müller, V.C. 'Autonomous Killer Robots Are Probably Good News', *Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Application, 2016, pp. 297–306. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-480-0-297.
- . Peter Shadbolt, U.S. Navy unveils robotic firefighter, CNN, February 12, 2015, accessed OCT 19, 2019, available on:
- . Robillard, K. and Yazdiha, H. 'Autonomous Weapons Systems and International Humanitarian Law: Identifying Limits and the Move Towards Regulation', Denver Journal of International Law & Policy,(2015), pp. 151–173.
- . Salem, Elzway. Armed Algorithms. Osiris, (2023).; Vol. 38, pp 147-164. doi: 10.1086/725092. DOI:
- . Sassòli, M. 'Autonomous Weapons and International Humanitarian Law: Advantages, Open Technical Questions and Legal Issues to be Clarified', International Law Studies,(2014), pp. 308–340.
- . Sauer, F. 'Stopping 'Killer Robots': Why Now Is the Time to Ban Autonomous Weapons Systems', Arms Control Today, 2016, pp. 8-14.
- . Schmitt, M.N. 'Military Necessity and Humanity in International Humanitarian Law: Preserving the Delicate Balance', Virginia Journal of International Law. (2011), pp. 795-839. DOI:
- . Sharkey, N. 'The Automation and Proliferation of Military Drones and the Protection of Civilians, Law, Innovation and Technology,2011, pp. 229-240. DOI:
- . Shaw, M. N. *International Law. 8th ed. Cambridge University Press,( (2017. pp. 435-489.
- . Stanislav, Abaimov., Maurizio, Martellini. Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Weapon Systems. (2020). pp 141-177. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-28285-1_8. DOI:
- . The Ethics of Autonomous Weapons Systems, Nov 2014, accessed Oct 18, 2019, available on:
- . Tomasz, Żurek., Jonathan, Kwik., Tom, M., van, Engers. Model of a military autonomous device following International Humanitarian Law. Ethics and Information Technology, (2023). doi: 10.1007/s10676-023-09682-1. DOI:
- . Van Dam, C European Tort Law. Oxford University Press. (2013)., pp. 96-125. DOI:
- . Will Nicol, 9 military robots that are totally terrifying … and oddly adorable, digital trends, March 4, 2017, accessed Oct 19, 2019, available on
- . Yifan, Yu. Military AIs impacts on international strategic stability. Applied and Computational Engineering, (2023).; Vol. 4, Iss (1):pp20-25. doi: 10.54254/2755-2721/4/20230339. DOI:
- . Ziyu, Hua. AI Ethics and Governance in Defence Innovation. (2023)pp.59-79. doi: 10.4324/9781003218326-4. DOI:
- . -张智敏., 石飞飞., 万月亮., 徐阳., 张帆., 宁焕生. Application progress of artificial intelligence in military confrontation. Chinese journal of engineering, (2020).; Vol. 42, Iss: 9, pp 1106-1118. doi: 10.13374/J.ISSN2095-9389.2019.11.19.001
. A.G., Nadibaidze. The Impact of AI on Strategic Stability is What States Make of It: Comparing US and Russian Discourses. Journal for peace and nuclear disarmament, (2023). Vol. 6 Iss (1):47-67. doi: 10.1080/25751654.2023.2205552. DOI:
. Ahmad, Khalil., S., Anandha., Krishna, Raj. Assessing the Legality of Autonomous Weapon Systems: An In-depth Examination of International Humanitarian Law Principles. Law Reform, (2024). doi: 10.14710/lr.v19i2.58497. DOI:
. Antonio, Carlo. Artificial Intelligence in the Defence Sector.. (2020). pp 269-278. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-70740-8_17. DOI:
. Artificial Intelligence and National Security, Congressional research service, Nov 21, 2019, available on .
. Artificial Intelligence in Warfare. (2023). pp 12-36. doi: 10.4324/9781003218326-2. DOI:
. Atif, Ali., Zulqarnain, Farid., Zeeshan, Ahmad, Khan., Al, Momani. Development and use of Artificial Intelligence in the Defense Sector. (2023). pp 1-10. doi: 10.1109/ICBATS57792.2023.10111113. DOI:
. Aust, A. Modern Treaty Law and Practice. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, (2007). pp. 211-239. DOI:
. Autonomous Weapon Systems Technical, Military, Legal And Humanitarian Aspects, Geneva, Switzerland 26 To 28 March 2014.
. Berenice, Boutin. State responsibility in relation to military applications of artificial intelligence. Leiden Journal of International Law, (2022):pp133-150. doi: 10.1017/S0922156522000607.
. Bolanle, Eniola., Babalola, Abegunde. Examining Lethal Autonomous Weapons through the Lens of International Humanitarian Law. Scholars international journal of law, crime and justice, (2023).pp.229-238. doi: 10.36348/sijlcj.2023.v06i06.001. DOI:
. BORRIE, J. (2019). Cold war lessons for automation in nuclear weapon systems. In V. BOULANIN (Ed.), The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Strategic Stability and Nuclear Risk: Volume I Euro-Atlantic Perspectives (pp. 41–52). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
. Brehm, M. 'Defending the Boundary: Constraints and Considerations in the Use of Autonomous Weapon Systems',International Review of the Red Cross. (2017), pp. 115-142. DOI:
. Casey, B. and Niblett, A. 'Self-Driving Laws: When Artificial Intelligence Misbehaves, Iowa Law Review(2017), pp. 1949–1982. DOI:
. Chris Whitlock & Frank Strickland ,The Three Imperatives to Develop AI Leaders. (2022). pp 1-11. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4842-8814-6_1. DOI:
. Clara, Maathuis. Towards Trustworthy AI-based Military Cyber Operations. (2024) pp129-136. doi: 10.34190/iccws.19.1.1986. DOI:
. Crawford, J.State Responsibility: The General Part. Cambridge University Press,(2013).pp. 54-87. DOI:
. Crootof, R. 'The Killer Robots Are Here: Legal and Policy Implications, Cardozo Law Review, 2015, pp. 1837–1915.
. Dan Robitzski, The Military Wants to Build Deadly AI-Controlled Tanks, futurism, FEBRUARY 27TH 2019, accessed Oct 19, 2019, available on
. Darpa’s Grand Challenge At 15: How Far Have Autonomous Military Vehicles Come?, Global Defence Technology, accessed Oct 19, 2019, available on
. Dasharathraj, K, Shetty., Gayathri, Prerepa., Nithesh, Naik., Ritesh, Bhat., Jayant, Sharma. Revolutionizing Aerospace and Defense: The Impact of AI and Robotics on Modern Warfare. (2022). doi: 10.1145/3590837.3590856. DOI:
. David Axe, The U.S. Army’s Robot Tanks Could Arrive Years Early, national interest, October 14, 2019, accessed Oct 19, 2019 .
. Defense Primer: U.S. Policy on Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems, Congress research service, March 27, 2019, accessed Oct 19, 2019, available on
. Dinstein, Y. The Conduct of Hostilities under the Law of International Armed Conflict*. Cambridge University2012 Press
. Dustin, A., Lewis. On 'Responsible AI' in War: Exploring Preconditions for Respecting International Law in Armed Conflict. (2022).pp488-506. doi: 10.1017/9781009207898.037. DOI:
. Fareed, Mohd, Hassan., Noor, Dzuhaidah, binti, Osman. AI-Based Autonomous Weapons and Individual Criminal Responsibility Under the Rome Statute. (2023).:pp.464-480. doi: 10.21202/jdtl.2023.19. DOI:
. Fatima, Hameed, Khan., Muhammad, Adeel, Pasha., Shahid, Masud. Advancements in Microprocessor Architecture for Ubiquitous AI-An Overview on History, Evolution, and Upcoming Challenges in AI Implementation.. Micromachines, (2021).; Vol. 12, Iss: 6, pp 665-. doi: 10.3390/MI12060665. DOI:
. -Frueh, K. Liability and Autonomy in Military Applications of Artificial Intelligence. AI & Society. (2014), pp. 147-155.
Greenwood, C. 'The Concept of War in Modern International Law', *International and Comparative Law Quarterly.(2000). pp. 292-309.
. H., W., Meerveld., Roy, Lindelauf., Eric, O., Postma., Mark, Postma. The irresponsibility of not using AI in the military. Ethics and Information Technology, (2023).; - Vol. 25, Iss: 1 .doi: 10.1007/s10676-023-09683-0. DOI:
. Hanuman, Prasad, Singh. Artificial intelligence affecting strategic stability. International journal of advanced research, (2022). Vol. 10 Iss (03):01-04. doi: 10.21474/ijar01/14356. DOI:
. Henckaerts, J.-M. and Doswald-Beck, L. (2005). Customary International Humanitarian Law, VolumeI:Rules.Cambridge University Press. DOI:
. Henning, Lahmann., Robin, Geiss. The use of AI in military contexts: opportunities and regulatory challenges. Revue de droit militaire et de droit de la guerre, (2022).; Vol. 59, Iss: 2, pp 165-195. doi: 10.4337/mllwr.2021.02.02. DOI:
. Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Ensuring National Security and Defense Capability of Ukraine: Legal Issues and Prospects for the Post-War Period. Teorìâ ì praktika ìntelektualʹnoï vlasnostì, (2023). Iss: 3, pp 68-78. doi: 10.33731/32023.282185. DOI:
. Imre, Négyesi. Social and Ethical Issues of the Military Use of Artificial Intelligence. Advanced sciences and technologies for security applications, (2024).pp.421-430. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-47990-8_37. DOI:
. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538 Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023,pp3364-3365. Available at
. Ivana, Zirojević. The use of artificial intelligence in modern armed conflicts. Војно дело, (2024),pp.73-90. doi: 10.5937/vojdelo2401073z. DOI:
. J., Caballero., Olaya, Perez-Mon., María, D., R-Moreno., Julio, de., Oliveira, Filho. Integral AI-based planning for management of WSNs in military operations. (2023). - pp 341-348. doi: 10.1109/ictai59109.2023.00056.
. J., Caballero., Olaya, Perez-Mon., María, D., R-Moreno., Julio, de., Oliveira, Filho. Integral AI-based planning for management of WSNs in military operations. University of Alcalá, (2023). pp 341-348,doi: 10.1109/ictai59109.2023.00056. DOI:
. Jan, Maarten, Schraagen. Responsible use of AI in military systems: Prospects and challenges.. Ergonomics, (2023)pp.1-16. doi: 10.1080/00140139.2023.2278394. DOI:
. Jonathan, D., Moreno., Michael, L., Gross., Jack, Becker., Blake, Hereth., Neil, Shortland., Nicholas, Evans. The ethics of AI-assisted warfighter enhancement research and experimentation: Historical perspectives and ethical challenges. Frontiers in big data, (2022). Vol. 5,doi: 10.3389/fdata.2022.978734. DOI:
. Klabbers, J*International Law. Cambridge University Press. (2017), pp. 6-32. DOI:
. Li, Yi., Hongje, Cho., Gyun-yeol, Park. The Advent of AI and Its Some Implications to MILITARY AFFAIRS. Journal of Instrumentation, (2020).; Vol. 5, Iss: 1, pp 38-47. doi: 10.22471/MILITARY.2020.5.1.38. DOI:
. Liang, Du., Guangdong, Li., Hai, Chang., Heyuan, Hao. Military Applications of Artificial Intelligence. (2020). pp 1067-1072. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-6978-4_122. DOI:
. Mark, Azer. State responsibility in relation to military applications of artificial intelligence. Leiden Journal of International Law, (2022).; Vol. 36, Iss: 1, pp 133-150. doi: 10.1017/s0922156522000607. DOI:
. Müller, V.C. 'Autonomous Killer Robots Are Probably Good News', *Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Application, 2016, pp. 297–306. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-480-0-297.
. Peter Shadbolt, U.S. Navy unveils robotic firefighter, CNN, February 12, 2015, accessed OCT 19, 2019, available on:
. Robillard, K. and Yazdiha, H. 'Autonomous Weapons Systems and International Humanitarian Law: Identifying Limits and the Move Towards Regulation', Denver Journal of International Law & Policy,(2015), pp. 151–173.
. Salem, Elzway. Armed Algorithms. Osiris, (2023).; Vol. 38, pp 147-164. doi: 10.1086/725092. DOI:
. Sassòli, M. 'Autonomous Weapons and International Humanitarian Law: Advantages, Open Technical Questions and Legal Issues to be Clarified', International Law Studies,(2014), pp. 308–340.
. Sauer, F. 'Stopping 'Killer Robots': Why Now Is the Time to Ban Autonomous Weapons Systems', Arms Control Today, 2016, pp. 8-14.
. Schmitt, M.N. 'Military Necessity and Humanity in International Humanitarian Law: Preserving the Delicate Balance', Virginia Journal of International Law. (2011), pp. 795-839. DOI:
. Sharkey, N. 'The Automation and Proliferation of Military Drones and the Protection of Civilians, Law, Innovation and Technology,2011, pp. 229-240. DOI:
. Shaw, M. N. *International Law. 8th ed. Cambridge University Press,( (2017. pp. 435-489.
. Stanislav, Abaimov., Maurizio, Martellini. Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Weapon Systems. (2020). pp 141-177. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-28285-1_8. DOI:
. The Ethics of Autonomous Weapons Systems, Nov 2014, accessed Oct 18, 2019, available on:
. Tomasz, Żurek., Jonathan, Kwik., Tom, M., van, Engers. Model of a military autonomous device following International Humanitarian Law. Ethics and Information Technology, (2023). doi: 10.1007/s10676-023-09682-1. DOI:
. Van Dam, C European Tort Law. Oxford University Press. (2013)., pp. 96-125. DOI:
. Will Nicol, 9 military robots that are totally terrifying … and oddly adorable, digital trends, March 4, 2017, accessed Oct 19, 2019, available on
. Yifan, Yu. Military AIs impacts on international strategic stability. Applied and Computational Engineering, (2023).; Vol. 4, Iss (1):pp20-25. doi: 10.54254/2755-2721/4/20230339. DOI:
. Ziyu, Hua. AI Ethics and Governance in Defence Innovation. (2023)pp.59-79. doi: 10.4324/9781003218326-4. DOI:
. -张智敏., 石飞飞., 万月亮., 徐阳., 张帆., 宁焕生. Application progress of artificial intelligence in military confrontation. Chinese journal of engineering, (2020).; Vol. 42, Iss: 9, pp 1106-1118. doi: 10.13374/J.ISSN2095-9389.2019.11.19.001