* The journal adopts the standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics "COPE", regarding policies for integrity, confidentiality, conflict of interest, and ethical standards.

- The rules of publication:

Research and studies

General rules:

- The work to be published can only be submitted through the website of the magazine only, and in an electronic form.

- The research or study should not have been published in any form, nor should it be submitted for publication in any other periodical or magazine.

- Should it not be part of a PhD or master's or a book that has already been published, and the researcher may submit a written statement.

- Research or study must be characterized by scientific originality and the new addition to knowledge, taking into account the full compliance with all scientific rules and principles in this regard.

- A topic should relate to legal issues related to technology, and research or study focuses on its subject without addressing sub-issues that do not serve the purposes of the study and do not achieve its purpose.

- The researcher should take into account the use of scientific approaches in dealing with his research, and discuss in depth the topic of research and the problems it raises.

- The research should include a statement of the researcher's findings and a presentation of the recommendations that come to it, provided that the recommendations are applicable to the legal community and not just general recommendations.

- The references to the research or study should be modern and varied, local and international, Arab and foreign whenever possible, and fully documented, as follows: author's name, title of book or research, part, edition, publishing house, publishing country, year of publication, page number.

Formal rules:

- The number of words of research or study should not exceed fifteen thousand (15,000) words, not more than fifty (50) pages according to the format of the magazine, including summaries (Arabic and English) and references.

- The work to be published must be submitted in writing on the computer, in Microsoft Word format, in accordance with the following formal specifications:

- Simplified Arabic font quality, size (14), distance between lines per page 1.15, margins: same font quality, size (10), distance between lines 1.0.

- The careful linguistic correction of the scientific material should be taken into account, as it reflects the novelty and interest of the researcher, consistent with the reputation of the magazine.

- A list of references should be allocated at the end of the research or study that includes the references referred to in the board, and should be placed on a separate page, with the order of sources and references starting with Arabic references, and then foreign references, without numbering.

- Margins are referred to as sequential numbers along search or study pages, and are explained numbered in sequence.

- Each search or study page must be numbered.

- The research must be accompanied by a summary in Both Arabic and English, in the maximum of 250 words, and includes the subject of the research and its problem, objectives and scope, methodology and most important interlocutors, and a statement of its most important results and recommendations, provided that this summary should not be a repetition of the texts contained in the rest of the research body.

- The works are accompanied by an introductory profile of the researcher (a brief biography) and a recent portrait.

- Keywords: The summary should include at the end words that are indicative of its content, but not more than five words (not included in the search title), reflecting the areas covered by the search, for use in the disclosure.

Articles and reports related to law and technology:

The magazine publishes articles on topics related to law and technology, as well as reports on these issues.

- The number of words of articles and others should not exceed 7,000 (7000) words, within twenty (20) pages.

Articles and reports must observe the formal rules for the formulation of scientific material in accordance with the highly indicated.

Comment on judicial rulings and principles:

The magazine is also concerned with publishing the scientific commentary on judicial decisions, and addressing the judicial principles established by the judiciary, at the national, regional or international level, on the basis of the importance of the opinions of jurisprudence in dealing with the provisions and rooting them, and taking advantage of the practical application of the legal texts in practical reality, taking into account the adherence to the methodology of commenting on the customary judicial provisions, and taking into account the established rules in dealing with the provisions, the most important of which is: to be the comment of a specialist, and to deal with a sentence that has been exhausted in order to avoid the effect of the impact on the appeal and not to discuss the commentary.

The principles on which the judgment was built and without the slightest subject are subject to the body that issued it or the inspection in the secrets of intentions or the mechanization of consciences, and the suspension does not lead to prejudice to the person of the judge and the exposure to his family and the inviolability of his private life, and to be commented through a specialized legal publication, otherwise it is forbidden to comment on the judgments of the judiciary, and sacrifices such suspension a crime that falls under punishment.

Scientific reports on related seminars and conferences:

The magazine is interested in publishing sober scientific reports on seminars and conferences on law and technology, whether held in Egypt or at the regional or international level, in order to address its activities, learn about scientific research or working papers submitted, and review its findings and benefit from the recommendations that it has reached. This also extends to specialized workshops in this field.

5- Presentation of summaries of legal and technological books, translations, and summaries of doctoral and master's thesis:

The magazine publishes reviews of newly published books, in the field of the relationship between law and technology, provided that the following conditions are met:

The book should relate to the scope of the magazine's specialization, in the field of the relationship between law and technology.

- The book should represent a new scientific addition.

- The offer has not already been submitted for publication in any other magazine or publishing medium.

- The references should present a summary of the content of the book, containing the most important results and recommendations, with a statement of the distinctions and shortcomings, but not more than 5 pages.

- As far as possible, the reviewer should be a specialist in the scientific field of the book itself.

Publishing ethics:

The journal takes into account the best standards and practices of the ethics of publishing to ensure the quality of scientific literature, to achieve public confidence in the published scientific material, to ensure the proportion of ideas for its owners, and to take all necessary measures against any kind of unethical practices in the field of publishing, through the observers of all stages and procedures for scientific publishing. So it's important to avoid:
- Plagiarism (literary theft):

• The Journal of Law and Technology in Plagiarism or Literary Theft considers unethical and dishonest conduct in the field of scientific research and publishing, which it totally rejects, in compliance with the University's policy with regard to unethical practices or misconduct in research and publication, based on the following:

• Researchers must submit original and unadapted works from scientific theses, and must abide by the rules of quotation, documentation and publishing ethics. Copying a single paragraph from another author, or even a previously published paragraph of the researcher, without proper quotation, is considered a literary theft, instead you should use his own style.

• All research submitted for publication in the journal is examined by turnitin anti-plagiarism programmes to verify the similarities between the research provided and the published research.

• Accurate documentation and write references and sources that have been correctly referenced.

• The magazine may take all necessary measures against those who violate the ethics and rules of scientific research.

• Not to duplicate, repeat or synchronize the presentation or publication of works:
It is stipulated that the research or study should not have been published, that it should not be submitted for publication in any other periodical or magazine, that it should not be part of a PhD or master's or part of a book that has already been published, and that the researcher submit a written statement.

The author's submission to publish in more than one publishing pot at the same time is immoral and unacceptable. Doing so wastes the time of editorial board and arbitrators, and can damage the reputation of authors and the magazine if published in more than one magazine. The researcher may not publish his author in another container until three years after the date of publication in the journal, and after the written approval of the editor, with the researcher referring to its first publication in the Journal of Law and Technology.

Authorof research or study: (contributing to authorship):
The research must carry the names of all the persons involved in the authorship of the work and the percentage of their contribution, and all of them are responsible for the content in terms of the data mentioned and the way it is obtained, analysis and conclusions, or those who drafted the research in its first version, or who reviewed it critically, and must verify that all authors have seen and approved the final version of the text, and have agreed to submit it for publication.

• Failure to identify authors:
All submissions to the authors take into account the concealment of all that would indicate the identity or name of the author, the purpose of which is to ensure that the arbitrators do not know the identity of the author or co-authors, in order to ensure that the arbitration process is conducted as objectively as possible.

Non conflict of interest policy:
The journal is committed to observing the policy of non-conflict of interest between members of the editorial board and arbitrators and between the researcher, whether as a result of a competitive or cooperative relationship or other relationships or links with any of the authors, or the authorities related to the research.
All authors are obligated to declare potential conflicts of interest, and are responsible for disclosing all financial support for the study and personal relationship that may affect the outcome or arbitration of the research.
Any work submitted by any of the members of the editorial board for publication in the magazine is subject to double-blind scientific arbitration by two arbitrators from outside the institution in which the author works, while ensuring a complete transparency process without any impact on the decision regarding publication. Editors cannot use the content of any uploaded paper that has not been published in the journal without written permission from the authors.

Respecting the rule of non-discrimination:
Editors and reviewers are obligated to review and evaluate the research material according to its intellectual content, taking into account the principle of non-discrimination on the basis of language, race, gender, religious beliefs or political orientations of the author.

• To download the journal template, use the following link:
