Legal challenges of Autonomous Vehicle
Corresponding Author(s) : Prof. Fady Tawakol
Journal of Law and Emerging Technologies,
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024)
There is no doubt that technological development has become the guiding force of globalization mechanisms, which directly affected the lives of humanity materially and morally in their daily lives in various fields. Therefore, the United Arab Emirates has shown great interest in tracking everything new in this regard until it has become greatly interested in the digital world among other countries.
In October 2017, the UAE amazed the countries of the world by launching its artificial intelligence strategy, which prompted these countries to follow closely, given that this strategy is considered the first of its kind in the region and the world, through which the government seeks to achieve many distinct goals, including relying on artificial intelligence in services at a rate of 100% by 2031, Through this paper we try to study the legal liability of the driver, owner, and user of self-driving car as one of the most challenges facing self-driving vehicles at its final level, which is characterized by the absence of human intervention. By using analytical and descriptive methodologies to address the regulatory and legal challenges resulting from the use of artificial intelligence in transportation.
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- اولاً: المراجع العربية:
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ثانياً: المراجع الأجنبية:
. Faisal, Asif, et al. "Understanding autonomous vehicles." Journal of transport and land use 12.1 (2019): 45-72. DOI:
. Martinho, Andreia, et al. "Ethical issues in focus by the autonomous vehicles industry." Transport reviews 41.5 (2021): 556-577. DOI:
. Sparrow, Robert, and Mark Howard. "When human beings are like drunk robots: Driverless vehicles, ethics, and the future of transport." Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 80 (2017): 206-215. DOI:
. Li, Wei, et al. "Safety criticism and ethical dilemma of autonomous vehicles." AI and Ethics 2.4 (2022): 869-874. DOI:
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